Development of a social interaction questionnaire and Dohsa-hou

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Psychol Rep. 2006 Oct;99(2):591-8. (PubMed)

Development of a social interaction questionnaire for the trainers and mothers of children with disabilities participating in Dousa-hou (Japanese psycho-rehabilitation) camps.

Kumar S, Kim YS, Oh KS. Department of Pre-school Education Chikushi Women’s University, Dazaifu-city, Fukuoka-Ken, Japan.
Psychol Rep. 2006 Oct;99(2):591-8.

Development of a social interaction questionnaire for the trainers and mothers of children with disabilities participating in Dousa-hou (Japanese psycho-rehabilitation) camps.


Department of Pre-school Education Chikushi Women’s University, Dazaifu-city, Fukuoka-Ken, Japan.


A 12-item Social Interaction Questionnaire was developed to measure the social interactions among trainers and mothers of children with disabilities in Dousa-hou camps. Dousa-hou is a Japanese psychological rehabilitation method which is widely used for children with mental retardation, cerebral palsy, and autism in Japan and other Asian countries. The primary focus of the rehabilitation method is to improve bodily movements, posture, and social support to patients and their first-degree relatives as well as promoting social interaction among participants. Two factors of interaction, (1) educational and daily life matters and (2) health and care matters, emerged through factor analysis. Cronbach coefficient alpha of the questionnaire was .91. The back-translated version of the Social Interaction Questionnaire also yielded two factors and Cronbach coefficient alpha of .87. It was found that mothers or first degree relatives (N=138; M = 43.5 yr., SD = 12.3) of the patients reported more social interaction than trainers when interacting with their child’s trainer, supervisor, other trainers, and other mothers during six-day Dousa-hou camps.

[PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]
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